If the name offends you, call me Telsm.

Nick @SergeantJackass

Not a Therian

Chronically Online



Joined on 3/4/23

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SergeantJackass's News

Posted by SergeantJackass - June 12th, 2024

Hokay, so. It's pride 24 and I wanna do the news.

  1. I got a new Macbook. Works like a charm.
  2. I've read Homestuck, but stopped before Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 5 Part 1 (HOW ARE YOU GETTING ALL THESE CHAPTER NAMES).
  3. Speaking of which, I've archived almost everything from Andrew Hussie and his brother for preservation, and also for editing them in a CAD Comic/Square Root of Minus Garfield fashion.
  4. I'm never gonna use Reddit again.
  5. My room looks a lot cozier than it did before. I installed Christmas lights on the wall to light the room up a little.
  6. My iPad broke and I need a new one.
  7. I now have a therapist who's gonna take care of me every day until the weekend due to my mental issues.
  8. I've worked on storyboards for an animated Problem Sleuth adaptation and haven't really finished it, so I've decided that the original comic is the storyboard.
  9. Right now, I'm thinking about remastering Shobon Action. First thing I did was remake the sprite sheet for the little Shobon kitty.
  10. I've made MSPFAs and they never went anywhere. Most of them ended up dead. I guess the only MSPA that progresses is one that's made without any user input. Sad!
  11. I have a Tumblr account, but I'm not browsing anywhere else on Tumblr for good reason.



Posted by SergeantJackass - August 29th, 2023

Oh God, what a day. I've been binging through EVERY Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff comic, and I gotta say, it's honestly the silliest goodliest thing I might've read. It's an intentionally awful comic that delves in the lives of two bros (including a token black) in multiple situations, like not even knowing how to input silverware into a kitchen drawer. I've been saving every comic (excluding the promotions for the merchandise) onto this iPad, too, and it's pretty glorious for how absurd the crude comedy could be.

It's actually an enjoyable mess I've surprisingly been inspired by, which led me to make this crappy fan comic. I don't know if it's as good as the originals, but....eh.


I may or may not actually take the time to read MS Paint Adventures though, and even if I do, I should be reading Problem Sleuth, not that goddamm Wasted Potential comic with a million pages that I'm partially being apart of and is being sucked into by the day.

So, yeah. I'm becoming apart of the Homestuck. Help me.

P.S second comic was the first one, not Stairs.



Posted by SergeantJackass - August 24th, 2023

I had an old account that included a ton of old videos of me when I was a toddler and videos I made that were really bad. I thought all of this didn't wanna be shown anymore, so I came back and rebranded it into an alter alias account.

This alter alias is called Anonymous Tealblood. The purpose of this alter alias is to represent someone who A) creates uncleared jamangers. B) creates crazy videos. And C) pretends to like a certain terrible webcomic I have no knowledge about (Take a wild guess what it is, 'cause I've been talking about it frequently).

The account will remain silent until I get a new computer to make what I want with it. Who knows what I'll upload? After all, it was a controversial account before I wiped everything off! I may be controversial too, but I won't get into that.

So yeah, Anonymous Tealblood is some sort of "project" I'd like to look forward too in the future. It may be more active than my actual YouTube account, surprisingly, but maybe it could be vice versa.

I could imagine what the reactions would be when the older viewers on that account rediscover the channel to say, "What happened to that old hate video towards Paperking99 you used to make back when you were 9 years old?" (Seriously, I hate that video. Forcing someone who likes doing their job to make cleaner content is not the way to go for a protest, even if you're hypocritical on maturity and cleanness).


Posted by SergeantJackass - August 11th, 2023

I once did this shitty ending draft for Homestuck where John gets appreciated by the crew and is sent back home (also includes the "pose as a team" thing people didn't see in the comic) and showed it to a group of readers on an April 13th thread. They all reacted with disappointment because of how sappy, generic, and rushed the ending felt, and I was sort of aware over the corny mess afterwards. I don't really wanna go back to where I've posted that to show it to you, 'cause I might be pretty embarrassed.

What makes it stick out more is the fact that I never read Homestuck, nor anything else of MS Paint Adventures, and I dislike the comic too because it's potentially horrible, yet I'm still being interested in it every day. I'm stuck in between decisions of wether I wanna subject myself to an over 9000 page long postmodern mess or not.

What I kind of found out about Homestuck's last pages/ending (which I haven't seen and people know it's bad) is that the team of humans split themselves up (which probably wouldn't work), the battle between English(?) was set in an anticlimax, the final battle wasn't even good (read about how shitty it looked), and, obviously, they never posed as a team, which I really would've wanted. There's also other things I might've been corrected about (but not quite), particularly how the original Earth was probably destroyed and Earth C was made later on.

This proves that I may not be a good writer, and I have to improve. Maybe I should've just discarded that ending draft and replaced it with something like "John get iPad" or something like that just to play along, but I thought before that this ending was SRS BZNS.

Just follow tips to improve and maybe you'll see what the effect of your writing could create...



Posted by SergeantJackass - August 9th, 2023

I've finally gotten to reactivate my DeviantArt account by resetting my password. I left my DeviantArt account off because I thought it was taken over, but I'm surprised to see it didn't. Now, I guess I can post some of my art onto there...

Anyways, it's good to be back.




Posted by SergeantJackass - August 8th, 2023

I seem sort of forgetting when it comes to my artstyle. I just want to draw more with this style, but I keep discarding it for some strange reason. Because of this, I kind of feel stuck in between choosing one artstyle and another artstyle, and I just don't know which one is better either.

Obviously, the main artstyle I have is much better in design, but I'm also thinking of switching to this childish one I've been drawing out of recently that I've used for a children's book. It's supposed to be reminiscent of my old art from late 2021.


Unsurprisingly, I feel like preferring this artstyle instead of the one below, which I'm pending to improve.


(Halo is too small but screw it)

I may just switch between two instead though, just trying to improve the angular style I have while trying to play around with the silly one here and there, but only time will tell if I could change my artstyle.

Either way, what would you prefer?

Take a wild guess...



Posted by SergeantJackass - July 24th, 2023

It's linked through my YouTube account by the channel banner, though I will have to link it here just in case.



Posted by SergeantJackass - July 12th, 2023

Once again, I don't know if anybody's gonna read this at all, but I'm way too desperate to display my struggle.

On my birthday of 2016, I got my Alienware PC for the first time. It worked fine and it lived on for 7 years. But at the end, it started to slow down in an irritating speed and I stopped using it when I reset everything. I had to transfer all my old stuff to a 4TB disk drive just to keep all the 6 year history of that PC, and after that, I tried to use the PC for one last time, only to have changed some specific setting that made the taskbar completely unusable and broken. That was when I had to take it out.

So a few weeks later, my mother bought a Corsair PC. I was expecting it to be a lot faster (it was, but slightly), and I thought I was gonna be much happier, but it's nothing special. My experience with the Corsair was also brief and I just got more exhausted to the point where I've decided to ditch Windows 10 (A computer I've been using a lot and have been stuck to) in return for another computer with Windows 11 (I thought Windows 11 would be bad, but it couldn't, right?)

Because of how slow my PCs have been getting, I tried putting limitations to what I do on them: I kept everything on the aforementioned storage drive, and when I do the work, I use the files from that drive onto the application, namely when I make music. Even then, I have some huge OCD about my computer's speed and my computer in general, creating some troubling tactics of my current state of touching a PC.

My mother wasted over $3000 dollars on a PC I barely even used at all, and now she's gonna have to return the PC, get her money back, and then save at least more money until getting another computer, in which I have no expectations for how fast it is or how my reaction to Windows 11 would be, since I never even used Windows 11 completely.

I really miss having a PC. I wish I could do a lot, animating, drawing, making jams, doing graphics, recording audio, and anything I could do on a PC ideally meant for fast, efficient use, but all I have is an iPad, which I feel kinda comfy with (I do that a lot, sadly).

P.S, I'm thinking of giving my old Alienware to one of my grandfather's technician friends (Grandpa's a pretty good inventor BTW) so he could put some more storage and a faster CPU, maybe a newly installed Windows. I don't know if that'll happen though.

P.P.S, this all reminds me of my first blog post and one of the drawings I did lol

P.P.P.S, I might have to switch to Linux if nothing even works anymore. Linux won't be the same, but I have to try it out to see how I feel...



Posted by SergeantJackass - May 13th, 2023

Ok, I don't know if anybody's supposed to care, but I think I still care about whatever happened today. So... Here's an unorganized little rant about the only piece of internet communication I've used.

I used to browse the Fandom site ever since 2016, and that was mostly to browse which BFDI asset I could use into my shoddy little powerpoint. The first time I made a Fandom account was in 2019, and I was 10 years old back then. The first wiki I used to browse was the Lomando Wiki (Actual encyclopedia out of a J-horror browser game), and I was a complete jerk back in the day. Just when I opened my 8th account on that website, I was still being a jerk. Even with my previous accounts I was a bit of a controversial douchebag. All I wanted to do with the last account I had was to just post ponies and that's it (which is a dumb strategy honestly, but you know). But I just broke my cover, and WHOOP-DEE-DOO I FREAKED OUT AGAIN.

Before I deactivated my 7th account, the last thing I said was "All of you are a bunch of [WIND PRIMATES]," and that's it. I couldn't keep my filter on, couldn't even give a crap about being nice on the wiki I was on, and just left.

But now, I got blocked because of my short-temper. So finally, I said screw it, and deactivated everything for good.

See how bad to the bone I am? I cannot stand a website where I look at nothing but clueless teens sprouting out a bunch of stuff I don't even have good bondings with, and that's because of my short temper. Should I tolerate things I cannot tolerate? Nope. This website has broken graphical interface design, really salty people in most cases, and many more problems I cannot stand. The BFDI Wiki, a community on Fandom I browsed the most, used to be different. There weren't the plebs like today that existed. Since then, funkies infested the site, toxicity was kind of distinct, etc. If I want to post ponies on a wiki, which was my supposed strategy, let me post a pony! Let me take a Derpibooru picture of Rainbow Dash and post it onto a wiki discussion thread. But no, they just want to shill Homestuck every single time! It's even sillier because Homestuck is what made me get into My Little Pony!

Because of all the annoyances and controversial stuff I've posted on that site, I will never use Fandom from this point on unless I've cleansed the dumbest side of me.

If there's a Fandom user who knows about me from my older accounts and my previous "Telsm" account, please thank me for all the good things I've done. I might improve, but I don't know when.

TL;DR - Fandom is not my site anymore.

EDIT: I'm gonna go back one more time. By 6 days ahead, I'm not going to only one wiki, and I'll make sure not to act like a dumbass...maybe.

EDIT: they immediately banned me because of my "nasty" freedom of speech. People are way too offended nowadays. I already made another account, hope that one doesn't get baleeted.

EDIT: Banned for being a sockpuppet despite being a new account. This is why I hate the BFDI wiki, just a bunch of idiots who think they're nice by being chronically online. I'm on the internet a lot too, but I'm more sane. These people do nothing but shit on themselves and claim they're doing something productive. I was going to have potential on that wiki but these mentally challenged sacks of garbage instantly recognized me and immediately shat on my face. I was even promising to be good and these people didn't care.

Fandom itself is a terrible site too, and I refuse to use it ever again. And so what if I said something offensive there? I'm a dark man. I know a lot of bad shit and I sometimes reflect that on the internet. That was one of the few times I've done that. I'll never go back, so that's the end of your site.

And yes, when I mean dark, I mean the "edgy" type of dark. I'm not showing that on the internet most of the time because I know I'll get screwed over. But if anything, you'll probably go into my account history and find some instances of hateful wording, which I'll have to drop before it's too late.

Sorry for the anger, I'm just pissed off so much about this pathetic site. I'll just make my own wiki out of MediaWiki's downloadable service and that'll be it.

EDIT: I'm going on that pile of shit website again just to borrow some image. After that, it's over. Never again will I come back to this hellsite.

EDIT: Banned me again for no reason at all. Fucking pearl clutching sacks of shit...


Posted by SergeantJackass - March 6th, 2023

I don't know if anyone's even gonna care about what I'm trying to write, but this really angers me.

Today, my standard PC that I got since December 2016 has just become brown bread. I recently tried to reset most of what I had because it was a slow compy, but then it still feels slow. So now, I tried to pile up all my /D: drive files in one big folder for a hard disk. But I don't have one, so I got a USB that didn't have any space for all my files (538 GIGABYTES IN GENERAL, LEMME TELL YA). All of that didn't work and I had too much trouble.

So now, I'm gonna be using my school laptop computer for the PC work. It won't feel the same, but it's gonna act the same.

What am I gonna do now that I screwed my computer over?

apparently nobody seems to care...
